Final Project Psychology of Education


For the final project of Psychology of Education class we are instructed to do an observation in primary school and find the theory which is used by the teacher and give our opinion about his/her teaching and learning process.
Well.. at that time I did an observation in SDN Pabelan 01. I observed 5th grade during Natural Science class. After I did the observation I conclude that the teacher used constructivism theory. This class is very unique I think, because there are have special need student and also isolated student.

Over all the teacher method in teaching and learning process is okay and good. From the way she teach the special need student and isolating student until how to make the class condition. But the problem is, the media in there is limited. This condition make the process of teaching and learning become little bit boring. The teacher who is i observed, give me an advice to become creative, initiative and innovative teacher, and doesn’t rely on the media and also the facilities in the school.

Final Project Teaching Assessment


do your best!!!   thanks for SDN Kaliwungu 3

For the final project me, Surya, Dewi and Yohana are instructed to do observation and try to test our test item. We do the observation in SDN Kaliwungu 03, Ampel. There are 16 students on that class. We are testing mathematics test item. It consist of 25 multiple choice items, and 5 essay. After we get the data we are instructed to analyze our test item using SPSS and Ms. Excel. We analyze the validity and reliability of our test item and also compare the result based on SPSS and Excel.

Wow..unpredictable, our question only 6 which is valid. hahahaa that is really funny after our buffetings to did this project. Until we got an accident when we did the observation, we only got 6 items which is valid. But it is fine and be better after we are success in presentation project. Our team got a little appreciation from our lecture Mr. Steve. Our buffetings get good appreciation. Thanks for the cooperation my friend..Yohana, Dewi and Surya. ^0^



                 Constructivism is a modern version of human anatomy, in the sense that it is based on, and provides insights into, brain mechanisms, mental structures, and willingness to learn.

                The philosopher  Giambattista Vico, who maintained that humans can understand only what they have themselves constructed.

                For John Dewey, knowledge emerges only from situations in which learners have to draw them out of meaningful experiences 

                Piaget’s constructivism is premised on his view of the psychological development of children. Within his theory, the basis of learning is discovery: ‘To understand is to discover, or reconstruct by rediscovery, and such conditions must be complied with if in the future individuals are to be formed who are capable of production and creativity and not simply repetition’’ (Piaget, 1973).

                According to Bruner, learning is a social process, whereby students construct new concepts based on current knowledge. The student selects information, constructs hypotheses, and makes decisions, with the aim of integrating new experiences into his existing mental constructs. It is cognitive structures that provide meaning and organization to experiences and allow learners to transcend the boundaries of the information given. For him, learner independence, fostered through encouraging students to discover new principles of their own accord, lies at the heart of effective education. Moreover, curriculum should be organized in a spiral manner so that students can build upon what they have already learned. In short, the principles that permeate Bruner’s theory are the following (see Bruner, 1973):

  • Instruction must be commensurate with the experiences that make the student willing and able to learn (readiness).
  • Instruction must be structured so that it can be easily understood by the student (spiral organization).
  • Instruction should be designed to facilitate extrapolation (going beyond the information given).

             Byrnes (1996) and Arseneau and Rodenburg (1998) contrast objectivist and constructivist approaches to teaching and learning.

Objectivist View

Constructivist View

Knowledge exists outside of individuals and can be transferred from teachers to students.

Knowledge has personal meaning. It is created by individual students.

Students learn what they hear and what they read. If a teacher explains abstract concepts well, students will learn those concepts.

Learners construct their own knowledge by looking for meaning and order; they interpret what they hear, read, and see based on their previous learning and habits. Students who do not have appropriate backgrounds will be unable to accurately “hear” or “see” what is before them.

Learning is successful when students can repeat what was taught.

Learning is successful when students can demonstrate conceptual understanding.



Well actually I am still confused with this material. I don’t really understand with the first movie. But from the second movie I got  4 factors in expectation cycle:

  1. CLIMATE: about  socio-emotional mood or spirit by the person holding the expectation, often communicated non-verbally such as  smiling and nodding more often, providing greater eye contact to the student.
  2. FEEDBACK: providing both affective information such as praise (more) and less criticism of high-expectation students and cognitive information like, more detailed, as well as higher quality feedback as to the correctness of higher-expectation students’ responses.
  3. INPUT: teachers teach more to students of whom they expect more.
  4. OUTPUT: give greater responsiveness from those students of whom they expect more through their verbal and nonverbal behaviours (i.e., providing students with greater opportunities to seek clarification).

As i know, this theory of  Pygmalion is talk about how we can make someone be better with use right communication, such as give appreciation like critics or awards, smile, body-language, and etc, that can make somebody , he or she feel we make attention of her or him.

For a teacher, this theory is very important, because we can improve our student knowledge and  can help them to improve their knowledge more better.




9 March 2012

In this day we continue our lesson about how to use Microsoft excel for process student’s score . in that time we have to use the formula of excel. I think that is very confusing at first, because we have many formulas and if we made a mistake, as a result all of our data will absolutely wrong, so we must be careful when use it .

all of my friends getting confused with this subject, but with keep helping each other and work together as a friends and a team, we can solve it. And i hope we are really understand because using Ms. Excel to processing student’s score is very important for us. It will help us in the future .



        At this day I was presented my presentation about Multiple Intelligences with Anna, Citra, Dewi,and Putri .

       Well multiple intelegences was developed in 1983 by Dr. Howard Gardner, professor of education at Harvard University.

Dr. Gardner proposes eight different intelligences to account for a broader range of human potential in children and adults.

And there 8 kinds of multiple intelligences by Dr. Gardner:

  1. Linguistic-Word Smart. You may be word smart. You will enjoy reading, writing and talking about things.
  2. Logical-Number Smart .You may be number smart. You will be good at mathematics and other number activities; you are also good at solving problems.
  3. Musical-Music Smart. You may be music smart. You will enjoy music and can recognize sounds, and timbre, or the quality of a tone.
  4. Kinesthetic-Body Smart. You may be body smart. You will enjoy sports and are good at swimming, athletics, gymnastics and other sports.
  5. Spatial/Visual-Picture Smart. You may be picture smart. You will be good at art and also good at other activities where you look at pictures like map reading, finding your way out of mazes and graphs.
  6. Interpersonal-people Smart. You may be people smart. You will like to mix with other people and you will belong to lots of clubs. You like team games and are good at sharing.
  7. Intrapersonal-Myself Smart. You may be myself smart. You will know about yourself and your strengths and weaknesses. You will probably keep a diary.
  8. Naturalist-Nature Smart. You may be nature smart.You will like the world of plants and animals and enjoy learning about them.

From this discussion, i understand and know if all human are smart.

We are born with our own intelligence. It is not true if somebody called stupid because of his or her mark in math or the other subject  is “red” or bad.

From this discussion, i also understand if actually we have all types of multiple intelligences. But not all types of multiple intelligence that stands out to us. We need to understand, where is the type of  intelligence which is dominant in our self.




Make Test Item



around 2 weeks ago me, Yohana, Dewi and Surya made our test item in Aya and Dewi places. We work together to made mathematic test items. can you imagine 40 choice questions, 10 match questions and 10 text questions.

after that we have weight discussion to anylisis the question and choose the school

hard day, but fun because we work on team.. ^_^

Video and Record


Record, REWIND

School reform is needed  and important !!

Why? Because, the teacher is only give us conference, demonstration, and protest meeting. They give many lessons and give it ineffectively.

Usually, what the students learn in the school is only how to be a good scholar or how can get good mark and not in what will they do for the world or for their own life. Adults often force their children to learn what they want based their experience and sometimes not looking in the reality. That is the reason there are many confused children and many children cannot know or choose which one is they want or they like and which one is an order.

not only that, the price of education is really cost. that make many children not school. public library can help them to learn and study. public school also very useful.


After I watch the video, I know, there are two important aspects in memory, attention and motivation include intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation.

well because of memorize is one of learning process so, memory is really important. Memory has three process they are :

  • record (encoding)

In encoding process there are three level of recording:

  1. structural (physical structure of stimulus)
  2. phonemic (sound of word[s])
  3. semantic (meaning of verbal/visual/auditory

two type of encoding

  1. automatic processing
  2. effortful processing, is divide be maintenance and elaborative rehearsal
  • store (short-term vs. Long-term)
  • retrieve (remember)

not only that this video also showed us how to study smart, not study hard

well the point is we must know what type of learner we are. are we visual learner or the other.

this is the tips:

1. reading and understanding.

     when we are reading we must understanding too. we can imagine what we have read

2. note taking or make summary

with your own language

3. make a question about what have you read

4. remembering

     try to remembering what have you read with your own language and your own version based on your understanding.

5. Recall, Assess, Plan, Prepare, and Review.






Kohelberg is a close follower of Piaget. Accordingly, Kohlberg’s theoretical positions, including that on developmental change, reflect those of his mentor.

Kohlberg’s stages

  • Level 1. Preconventional Morality
    Stage 1. Obedience and Punishment Orientation

At this stage, children think of what is right as that which authority says is right. Doing the right thing is obeying authority and avoiding punishment

             Stage 2.Individualism and Exchange

Children are no longer so impressed by any single authority, they see that there are different sides to any issue. Since everything is relative, one is free to pursue one’s own interests, although it is often useful to make deals and exchange favors with others.

  • Level II. Conventional Morality

In this level at stage 3 and 4, Young people think as members of the conventional society with its values, norms, and expectations.

             Stage 3. Good Interpersonal Relationships

They emphasize being a good person, which basically means having helpful motives toward people close to one

             Stage 4. Maintaining the Social Order

The concern shifts toward obeying laws to maintain society as a whole.

  • Level III. Postconventional Morality

In this level at stages 5 and 6 people are less concerned with maintaining society for it own sake, and more concerned with the principles and values that make for a good society.

           Stage 5. Social Contract and Individual Rights

They emphasize basic rights and the democratic processes that give everyone a say.

          Stage 6: Universal Principles

They define the principles by which agreement will be most just.

How development occurs

Here Kohlberg maintains that

  • His (Kohlberg) stages are the product of socialization.

In here socializing agents (e.g. parents and teacher) do not directly teach new forms of thinking. That is difficult to imagine them systematically teaching each new stage structure in its particular place in the sequence.

  • Then the stages emerge, instead, from our own thinking about moral problems.

Social experiences do promote development but do so by stimulating our metal process. For example, into discussions and debates with others, we find our views questioned and challenged and are therefore motivated to come up with new, more comprehensive positions. New stages reflect these broader viewpoints (Kohlberg et al., 1975).

  • Change occurring through role-taking opportunities, opportunities to consider others’ viewpoints (e.g., 1976).

When children interact with others, they learn how viewpoints differ and how to coordinate them in cooperative activities. And when they discuss their problems and work out their differences, they develop their conceptions of what is fair and just.

  • Open and democratic

Whatever the interactions are specifically like, they work best when they are open and democratic. When they feel pressured they will make or formulate their own ideas.

The Stage Concept

Kohlberg criterias :

  1. Qualitatively different ways of thinking
  2. Structured wholes
  3. Progress in an invariant sequence
  4. Can be characterized as hierarchic integrations
  5. Cross-cultural universals

This paper also said if Kohlberg’s scale has to do with moral thinking, not moral action. As everyone knows, people who can talk at a high moral level may not behave accordingly.

Kohlberg has also tried to relate his moral stages to other forms of cognition. He has first analyzed his stages in terms of their underlying cognitive structures and has then looked for parallels in purely logical and social thought. For this purpose, he has analyzed his own stages in terms of implicit role-taking capacities, capacities to consider others’ viewpoints (Kohlberg, 1976; see also Selman, 1976, and Rest, 1983)